Monday, March 17, 2008

Jeehad, Lhasa Style..

So it looks like the long awaited, long expected, and extremely overdue conditions in China and the provinces it forcibly controls, has come to a simmer - not yet to a boil. But its only fair in a developing country, if you do not provide sustenance to locals, and religious freedom, there is only so much that even a monk can bear. Then, it doesn't matter if the regime is one of the most shamelessly courted dictatorial, martial and openly capitalist (under the garb of communist) in the world, people will fight back. Its only expected that the intensity of the fight picks up on both sides, since China has declared a "people's war" on the poor people.
India, and its pussilanimous incompetent septugenarian leaders, have issued peeps of "anxiousness", lest the communist cur pet-dogs start yapping at their ankles again. In a day and age of coalition politics, political gimmickery, one-upmanship and laxity (in the name of human rights) has taken over India's foreign policy.
India needs to ask the Dalai Llama to ship out. His presence is a nuisance to the country, and if his presence doesn't help solve the Tibet autonomy issue for the buddhists, there is no point in the expensive cost of hosting him and his followers. He spends most of his time in made-up Shangri-La's spouting unintelligent statements at conferences - he sure does have star value, but sadly little substance. For the man who once said, its good for Tibet to be under Chinese rule so we can suck on their growth and progress, its difficult to bring out any sympathy for him, very well knowing that the very people he lords over have given up decades of their lives in solitary confinement in People's Army concentration camps. Just ask the Falungong members, and you will know what persecution means.

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