Monday, January 12, 2009

Responsibility - its more than a word

The Satyam ex-CFO Vada-curry Vadalamani professed ignorance with the book doctoring charges and claimed he "blindly signed" what he was given by the brother Messers Chor and Lutera Raju.
Wow - that is the world's worst defense. People kill to get to the CFO position, I know I would - and all you can coolly tell us, after a few Enrons, Worltels that you never saw an excel sheet? Sir, you are get paid for what, may I ask? Sit on your black ass and play Solitaire, while your employees work 25 hr days, while you bill client like World Bank for 26? Tsk tsk, "responsibility" isn't just an non-andhra word, Mr-ex-CFO, it means you take charge for what you do, and you say - It happened under my watch, and what I did was unpardonable, now punish me.
If your employees used that defense you wouldn't get any of your projects done - "I dont know who wrote this code, I just compile it". You and your andhra-money-grabbing ilk make me sick. Go to hell, all 3 of you, you brought all of Indian IT down with your money grabbing filthy hands... I hope you feel the pain of every investor each night you try to sleep you filthy animals...

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