Saturday, December 06, 2008

Of "Nice" sugar-biscuits and "Monaco" salt-biscuits

I was in Nice .. I still am at the time of writing this.. There are no big biscuit factories as I was lead to believe by the Parle biscuit manufacturers! In fact all "Nice" biscuits come from - hold your breath - Vile Parle!! Oh my God - I was duped as a kid!!
And while I was just settling in from the shock I went over to Monaco - expecting a nice salty treat - the ocean breeze from the Mediterranean blew into my face - aaaah mining the ocean to make biscuits - brilliant - even the Tata's couldn't have thought of this brilliant business idea, me thought! Just when I stepped in and out of a few stores to find out if I could get a tasty salty treat - unamused French shopkeepers shoo-ed me away - my despair grew into a saddened acceptance that Parle manufactures Monaco in, of all places, in Vile Parle! Oh, the duplicity of the Indians.. I was seething with rage.
Meanwhile I snapped a few pictures of the place - It wasn't too bad as one might think [;-)]

1 comment:

Easwar Subramanian said...

Tell you what you should introduce those biscuits there. Tell the locals what they are missing!!