Thursday, October 02, 2008

The Palin McCain campaign

Those were Sarah Palin's exact words - not the McCain-Palin campaign but the Palin-McCain campaign. Okay so she has more testosterone than the flagellating septugenarian - okay, we understand that she comes from a state so RED [read republican], that it makes the texas chainsaw massacre look like a garden of yellow tulips.
Wait - so what was Palin's qualification again - Wait what was George Bush's qualification again? He went to Yale - phhbbttt - "Is our children learning" - yeah right. Who cares?

The elections to the highest posts are not made on degrees - this isn't a job interview at Microsoft. Its an administrative position. Emotions are involved rather than issues - topics get discusses but not issues. Slander is the order of the day, political nitpicking, mud-slinging, its all cool.
Politicians don't make laws - Congressmen and their lobbyists make laws - who reads them all - only the lawyers on the payrolls or parties, and bureaucrats do. Politicians are the pretty faces of the bureaucrats - at the end of the day Red or Blue a bunch of lawyers with connections to big business houses enact laws. Period. All else is just an eyewash. You could roll a dice and choose Obama/Biden over McCain/Palin - it really doesn't matter. When push comes to shove America is never known to hold its punches - Democrat or Republican they will come at you like a tonne or bricks.

So Palin's claim to fame may not be something more than a few paragraphs long. But then this was never about the issues - it was about a public face to push for an agenda to continue the Iraqi war and push the economy, although unknowingly, into a quicksand of self destruction - hey, more power to see them go - with them so will China, the sweatshop of the world. Good riddance to both. God bless India!

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