Friday, December 28, 2007

What ails this fragile heart?

I am by the sea-shore...
I beseech the calm ocean - ye of strong under-currents to swallow me. I yearn for an end to this life. I do not call it death. Death is silent. Death is in the passing of the earthly being. I crave not for the decimation of this earthly body.

What do you say of a man who wish he'er never born?

This is a day of achievements I am not very proud of.
I have accomplished all my life's goals.. (strange feelings leap from the chasm that would be my heart)
I feel as empty as I was when I'd set out to achieve them!
I've strained every nerve, every sinew of my now fatigued ageing body, in search for the highest levels of accomplishment.
Here I stand at the top, lone victor I truly am!
Yet I feel vanquished.

The dichotomy of my existence
The duality of my existence
The paradox of my existence

I cry
but the tears are dry
I weep
yet the sadness is locked within
My penance
My penance has no meaning
All around there is joy
But I am still so numb
Inside me a million stream of tears flow
But I am still so numb
I am dead
But I am still so numb

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